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ETA's Machine Tool Technology Receives Gene Haas Foundation Grant

Employment Training for Adults (ETA) is grateful for this support. It allows many individuals to take the Machine Tool Technology program and prepare themselves for a successful career. 
Dave Sharpe, local sales engineer with Allendale Machinery, presented the check to ETA Instructor, Jason Viele, and Administrator for Adult Programs, Michelle Stockwell. 
Allendale Machinery Systems supplies manufacturing solutions for local businesses with a main product provided by Haas Automation, the largest supplier of American made machine tools in the US. Allendale and Haas are big supporters of education. 
Mr. Sharpe stated, “if you look around, you won’t see a product that didn't have a machine tool involved in its creation. For example, your toaster, refrigerator, or furnace all had machine tools making components or tooling. Medical products like the MRIs used in diagnosis are made locally. The list seems endless. The demand is behind the supply for trained people to operate the manufacturing equipment for industry.” He continued by saying, “the ETA Machine Tool Technology program has proven itself one of the best in helping its graduates to better their careers as well as the companies they work for.”

The Gene Haas Foundation was established in 1999, by Gene Haas, founder and owner of Haas Automation, Inc. Seeing a growing need for skilled manufacturing employees industry wide, the Foundation’s mission also includes support for manufacturing training programs throughout North America and beyond. By providing scholarship grants, sponsoring individual and team CNC competitions, and partnering with the very best CNC training programs in the world, the Foundation helps expand the availability of high-quality manufacturing technology training worldwide. Kathy Looman from the Gene Haas Foundation was given the priority of helping schools such as WSWHE BOCES to succeed. ETA and WSWHE BOCES are grateful for her time and dedication to education.